Analysis on the Causes of the Damage of Steel Pipe Fasteners

Steel pipe fasteners are precision parts, and therefore require considerable caution when using them. Even if high-performance steel pipe fasteners are used, if they are used improperly, the expected performance effects will not be achieved, and construction fasteners will easily be damaged. China’s oldest architectural fastener with the prototype of a modern rolling architectural fastener structure, but the real meaning is now very important to product quality, technology research, and market development from the beginning. Therefore, inspecting damaged rotating architectural fasteners can be found in most cases The possible causes, generally speaking, one-third of rotating construction fastener damage is due to fatigue damage, another third is due to poor lubrication, and the other third is due to pollutants. Enter the building fasteners or improper installation and handling.

Try to use special tools, and try to avoid using things like cloth and short fibers. Even if the tiny dust invisible to the naked eye enters the construction fasteners, it will increase the wear, vibration, and noise of the construction fasteners. When picking up the construction fasteners directly by hand, wash away the sweat from your hands, and apply high-quality mineral oil before proceeding. Pay special attention to rust prevention during the rainy season and summer. 1. Keep the rotating construction fasteners and the surrounding environment clean even if tiny dust invisible to the naked eye enters the construction fasteners, it will increase the wear, vibration, and noise of the construction fasteners. In fact, under ideal conditions, so-called permanent construction fastener life is possible. 2. When using and installing, it is necessary to be careful not to force punching, to directly hit the construction fastener with a hammer, and not to transmit pressure through rolling elements. 3. Use appropriate and accurate installation tools for steel pipe fasteners. Use special tools as much as possible, and try to avoid the use of cloth and short fibers. Rotating construction fasteners, but the real meaning now. However, whether in laboratory tests or actual use, it can be seen that the appearance of rotating construction fasteners under the same working conditions is the same, but the actual life is very different.

Post time: Nov-24-2020

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