5 reasons why fastener-style steel pipe scaffolding will be eliminated

Fastener-type steel tube scaffolding is widely used in our country, and its usage accounts for more than 60%. It is currently the most widely used scaffold. However, the biggest weakness of this kind of scaffolding is its poor safety, low construction work efficiency, and high material consumption. At present, there are about 10 million tons of scaffold steel pipes in the country, of which inferior, overdue and unqualified steel pipes account for more than 80%, and the total number of fasteners is about 1 to 1.2 billion, of which about 90% are substandard products. Such a large number of unqualified steel pipes and fasteners have become a safety hazard in construction.

According to incomplete statistics, from 2001 to 2007, there have been more than 70 accidents involving the collapse of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolds, with more than 200 deaths and more than 400 injuries. In recent years, scaffold collapse accidents have occurred every year, resulting in heavy property losses and casualties. Therefore, some experts and industry insiders suggest that relevant national departments introduce policies to eliminate fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding.

The reasons are as follows:

01. The quality of my country’s fastener steel scaffolding is seriously out of control

Standard JGJ1302001 in Table 5.1.7 stipulates that the anti-skid bearing capacity of butt fasteners is 3.2KN, and the anti-skid bearing capacity of right-angle and rotating fasteners is 8KN. Some experts found from the on-site inspection that it is difficult for the products in actual application to meet this requirement. After a major accident occurred at a certain construction site, the fasteners were inspected and the pass rate was 0%.

02. The quality of the steel pipe is seriously out of control

A large number of steel pipes without effective anti-rust treatment have flowed into the market. Because they have not been confirmed by an effective quality inspection system, the products cannot provide the quality assurance of the safety standard load, which seriously violates the principle of zero quality defects. Also, in reality, construction units and leasing companies caused by unfair competition use shoddy steel pipes, and even some projects use waste steel pipes for scaffolding. Objectively, the safety of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding is completely Out of control state. Some experts inspected steel pipes after a major accident in a certain project, and the pass rate was only 50%.

03. On-site erection and construction safety management issues

The flexible and diverse application characteristics of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding also bring huge uncertainty in the site erection and construction process. It is hard to enumerate the various security risks caused by the lack of management, lack of training, lack of unified design and command, and lack of responsibility due to layered subcontracting.

04, wrong application

Based on the experience of developed countries, fastener-type steel tube scaffolding can only be used for auxiliary connection and scissor support in other scaffolding and supporting system applications such as gantry, bowl-buckle scaffolding, and disc-buckle scaffolding. It must not be used to erect any large The scaffolding system cannot be used for supporting systems that require high load-bearing loads. In the United States, even the construction and maintenance of common two-story villas use portal frames, and fastener-type steel pipe scaffolds have never been used to build installation platforms. The reason is simple. If applied in this way, even the quality of American standard fasteners and steel tube scaffolding is completely in line with safety requirements. However, because the erection plan is difficult to standardize, and the erection process is uncontrollable due to too many details of manual operation, and safety cannot be guaranteed. At the same time, compared with portal or bowl-buckle scaffolding, this application has doubled the labor and steel consumption, resulting in a sharp increase in the total project cost and loss of economic efficiency.

05. Wrong standard orientation

The Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China approved the “JGJ130-2001 Safety Technical Code for Construction Fastener Steel Pipe Scaffolding”, which was implemented on June 1, 2001. It is an industry-standard promulgated earlier in my country. It is necessary for the erection and removal of scaffolding in my country. The design and construction of the company have a deep impact. 

Post time: Nov-10-2020

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